Monday, September 23, 2013

Podranea ricasoliana - blooming when all is gone!

In a pot, although I am temped to root cuttings and try them in the garden, and see if enything comes back in spring.
An experiment a bit late for this year... but there's always next year.

I overwintered it in a dark and cold room just a bit above freezing, it suffered a lot, cut off all dead parts in spring and just waited.

For a long time nothing happened but then I moved it to a bigger pot.
Not sure whether this helped, or it was just the "right time" coming -  now at the end of September (quite cool nights and even days when it's cloudy)

BUT it's all dressed up in gorgeous pink striped blooms.

I love it!

Well, compared to other pics I see online, and considering it's a VINE, mine's actually of "decent" size but I'd rather have it as it is, then to spend an hour cutting long branches in late fall, when I need to bring it inside.

 Once again... I LOVE IT!

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