Monday, December 16, 2013

Silly plants

I know we are in full winter here, but some plants are just confused!
With all leaves in below-freezing temperatures, and what do they do?
Decide to bloom. Crazy!

Monday, December 9, 2013

How one becomes three, four ...

Talking about my Arisaema ringens.

In early spring I got it in a trade with a fellow passionate gardener from Japan.
It bloomed of course, rather early and the flower lasted quite long.
(pics in an earlier post).

Now, on tuber inspection I was pleasantly surprised to see there's 2 fairly large babies, and a really small one.

So, yes... this Arisaema is a clump forming one!

My 10-point questions is... thissssss... I know the flowers are dioecious = either male, or female, but not both on the same plant. Any chances to have both F and M flowers if they both come from the same mother-tuber??? 

I need to read more into this sex-thing...

Arisaema ringens tuber

Mom and biggest baby

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Goodz & Badz / succulent seedz

A couple months back I bought some succulent seeds (mainly Aloes, Edithcolea grandis - this was the one I was searching for, and Tacitus bellus - another one I love).
Against all odds (low light, cool temp, etc) I decided to sow them.
Couldn't just wait!
Well, one of the five Aloe variegata seeds germinated nicely, but as the others were still just lying there, I kept the plastic bag a bit too long. The one seedling I had... rotted!
I pulled it out, tore off the mushy tiny root and put it back... but I'm sure there's no chance for it.

BUT... 2 out of 5 Edithcolea grandis germinated and are looking great!

Edithcolea grandis

Also, I'm happy with my Aloe saponaria and Aloe broomii results.

Aloe saponaria

Aloe broomii

And I can't wait for my tiny Tacitus bellus to... open those big pink flowers!

Tacitus bellus

First snow.... yuppy!...or not!

We have the first snow right now!
It's a good and bad news mix.
Being a gardener, I can't think I live in the wrong climate.
Won't be able to do any gardening till April next year.